
How To Get Education Records

How to Get Information Often misunderstood. There are three pieces of legislation that can help, and are often confused. *Data Protection Act*: This allows you to get your information from an organisation, company etc. If you have a social services case, you will be able to obtain data for you, and depending upon the childs age, the child. If you have a tricky authority, they will block you from getting information about teanagers. By using the data protection act you may be able to find out useful information or information that is wrong. You may then be able to get it overturned. Incorrect information can lead to problems. had an issue with a local authority. *Freedom of Information Act* I wanted to know what had been discussed between Devon County Council and Ofsted after i made a complaint to Ofsted.. So I asked the local authority for the emails between the Director of Social Services of Devon County Council and Ofsted. The information team at Devon County Council refused to provide the information on the basis of it being personal data. So i then went to Ofsted. And they provided all the emails. Not content I also followed iup with the council and asked for a review. They still refused to provide the information. So I went to the information commissioner, who told Devon County Council to provide the information within 30 days. They didnt. So I went back to the Information Commissioner and they then sent a warning to Devon County Council that they would begin contempt of court proceadings. Devon County Council then provided the information. Finally there is the *Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005*. If you hold parental responsibility this allows you access to school records. My childs school were not sending me school reports or advising me of school detentions etc. I used the education regulations to force the school to provide the data. Their justification was that they were telling the mother, and also telling me that the child didnt consent. Unlike the Data Protection Act, a child cannot refuse consent for eduucation records. The school spent £4800 on legal advice, only to be told in no uncertain terms that they had to hand the information over.

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